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TWICE kicked off 16 at the Gaon Chart KPop Awards in matching black outfits and hair envy galore All members looked stunning as usual, but Jihyo's ombre hairdo as well as Chaeyoung's andBust S 36" M 38" L 40" Length S 27" M 275" L 28" Upper Arm Circumference S 16" M 17" L 18" Main Color White Pictured over a Ruby Red Gunny SackTwice dance the night away outfits white Here are the hd teaser photos of the twice members nayeon jeongyeon momo sana jihyo mina dahyun chaeyoung and tzuyu We finally got to see the nine members in a tropical setting for dance the night away and twice did not disappoint with their outfits Twice Dance The Night Away Outfits Twice Twice dance the night away white dress

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